Un exemple de pad en markdown sur lescommuns.org

identifiant-de-mon-pad (edit on lescommuns)

created: 2023-04-20

updated: 06:30:50 - May 15, 2023


Un exemple de pad en markdown sur lescommuns.org


Toutes les notes nous concernant


HedgeDoc is a real-time, multi-platform collaborative markdown note editor.
This means that you can write notes with other people on your desktop, tablet or even on the phone.

If you experience any issues, feel free to report it on GitHub.
Or meet us on Matrix for dev-talk and interactive help.
Thank you very much!



Desktop & Tablet

View: See only the result.
Both: See editor and result at the same time.
Edit: See only the editor.


View: See only the result.
Edit: See only the editor.

Night Mode

When you are tired of a white screen and like a night mode, click on the little moon and turn on the night view of HedgeDoc.

The editor view, which is in night mode by default, can also be toggled between night and day view using the the little sun.

Image Upload

You can upload an image simply by clicking on the upload button .
Alternatively, you can drag-n-drop an image into the editor. Even pasting images is possible!
This will automatically upload the image to imgur, Amazon S3, Minio or the local filesystem (depending on the instance’s configuration), nothing to worry about. :tada:
